Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Lemuelan Monster: Eventually I'll get it right!

Welp, when I made it I wasn't very good at making things. I think I've gotten a little better, so I went back to retry it. The fabled "Lemuelan Monster" that appears in the shrunken areas of my Faris game has a new sprite~

Left is original version. Middle is a resprite I did this afternoon, but then I compared it to other sprites and realized that both it (and the original) were far too small, so I sat down about an hour or so ago to redo it, and got distracted, showered, and eventually came out and finished the one on the right.

EDIT: I've realized only after posting the next post I uploaded the wrong image of the finished Lemuelan Monster (right one) and posted an in progress version instead. It's essentially the same save for some resizing clean up on the legs and such. I'll include it in a later update, but for now I must go~

EDIT II: And there we go - correct version uploaded.

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