Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Another Boss Enemy for the SHMUP

A few pieces on this one, was working on this pretty much all day when I wasn't breaking up ice in the yard or watching the Rangers beat the Islanders (go Rangers~)

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Kourigon Update

Yeah... I seriously can't stop working on this :\ So umm, new tail.

Kourigon Pieces

Yep... Still working on this... And now I have a terrible tail attached...

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

More SCHMUP Monsters


The Kourigan set (top dragon headed things) have the old versions in there as well (the tiny brighter ones) and the original fireballs (again the smaller ones.) There will be more fireball frames, I lost the other 3 frames by accident :(

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Makin' Ramen Doodles

 Two doodles made, while making/eating stove top ramen noodles. It was a quick deal, and most of that non-monsterous one was done waiting for the noodles to cool.
But holy crap! Hand drawn art again D:
Haven't put any of this up since 2012!!